The Importance of Critical Thinking

11 Jan 2022

Critical thinking is an essential life skill, especially in the 21st century. Critical thinking enables students to become lifelong learners who will become successful if they can reason and work well in diverse groups. Critical thinking enables the learner to understand how they are learning and helps students in other subjects.

For example, logic improves Math and Science skills. Rhetoric teaches them how to express themselves with clarity in any subject. Argumentation is an essential skill in every field today. Those who are able to present sound arguments are more likely to get heard and be seen as leaders. Basic philosophical concepts such as theory of knowledge are being integrated into education globally.

There are significant positive long term effects as well. People who can reason well are more successful in life. Research indicates they have better marriages and more stable jobs. They tend to have a more holistic point of view and are fair minded. They know how to distinguish reliable information from propaganda, which is why they are able to make their own sound, well thought out decisions.

Critical thinkers are reasonable and rational. These two skills alone are essential life skills and lead to a better quality of life. They are also more tolerant because they are able to view all perspectives fairly. They are nuanced and can easily adapt to situations. Being able to adapt in a rapidly changing world is arguably one of the most essential life skills.

Furthermore, critical thinkers find transitioning from school to university easier than students who initially struggle to adapt with the demands of university life. This then translates into an easier transition to the work place and the “real” world they enter as adults.

Critical thinking is compulsory in almost all universities. Those who have the skill in advance will be one step ahead.

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